The crew is a key element that connects a player to a vehicle. Each crew member—Commander, Driver, Gunner, Loader, and Radio Operator—has their own Crew Efficiency, which always starts at 100%. When you improve a crew member's Crew Efficiency and train additional perks, they become more effective, which significantly improves the battle performance of the vehicle.
Crew Efficiency
Crew Efficiency is a parameter which determines the crew effectiveness in battle. It is set to 100% for all crew members. The value can be increased through specific perks, consumables, equipment, and the Commander’s bonus.
Crew Perks
After recruiting a crew member with a 100% Crew Efficiency, you can choose the first perk.
There are both group and individual perks. Group perks are available for all crew members, while individual perks are only for certain qualifications. If a tanker has several qualifications, they can train all perks available for each one.
Please note that all Commanders have a special feature that allows them to identify whether their vehicle has been spotted by the enemy.
The main features of perks are as follows:
- The perk efficiency value determines the effectiveness of learned perks and is set to 100% by default.
- Retraining operations performed for free or credits will reduce the perks efficiency value below 100%, negatively impacting the effectiveness of all learned perks. Perk efficiency of 50% means learned perks are only half as effective.
- The reduced value can be linearly increased with Crew XP to a maximum of 100,000, so a 1% perk efficiency increase is equal to collecting 1,000 Crew XP.
- Perks come into effect when trained to at least 1%, and their effectiveness grows with further training.
- Some perks have a situational effect that is triggered in certain battle conditions, while others have a permanent effect that remains active throughout the battle.
- For group perks, the average training level among all crew members is applied.
- Each percentage point above 100% Crew Efficiency amplifies the effect of all perks (except for Brothers in Arms).
- Group Perks
- Commander
- Driver
- Gunner
- Loader
- Radio Operator
When trained for all crew members, increases the repair speed of the vehicle's modules by 80%.
Тhe average training level among all crew members is taken into account. This perk is cumulative with the effects of the Modified Configuration and Improved Hardening equipment items, as well as the Large Repair Kit consumable and the Pre-Battle Maintenance directive.
When trained for all crew members, reduces vehicle visibility by 80%.
Тhe average training level among all crew members is taken into account. This perk is cumulative with the effects of camouflage (for corresponding map types), the Camouflage Net and Low Noise Exhaust System equipment items, as well as the Natural Cover directive.
When trained for all crew members, accelerates firefighting by 80%.
Тhe average training level among all crew members is taken into account. This perk is cumulative with the effect of the Experienced Firefighters directive.
When trained for all crew members, improves major qualifications for the entire crew by 5%. Тhe average training level among all crew members is taken into account. This perk is effective even if trained by only part of the crew. For example, if only one member of a five-member crew has Brothers in Arms trained, the bonus to the main qualifications of the entire crew will be 1%.
This perk is cumulative with the effects of the Improved Ventilation, Bounty Ventilation, and Venting System equipment items; consumables such as Extra Combat Rations; and the Vent Purge directive.
Increases the amount of XP earned by 10% for all crew members.
Issues an alert about enemy SPG fire with a 0.1 s delay and determines the direction of the shot. Activates at the moment of the shot.
Increases maximum view range by 2%. If vehicle observation devices are damaged, the effect will increase up to 20%.
This perk is cumulative with the effects of the Situational Awareness perk; the Coated Optics, Experimental Optics, Binocular Telescope, and Bounty Optics equipment items; and the Optical Calibration directive.
Enables the Commander to replace knocked-out crew members with 50% effectiveness.
Only major qualifications can be substituted. The replacement effect diminishes with each crew member knocked out.
Identifies critically damaged modules on targeted vehicles with a 0.5 s delay. This perk is effective in both direct and indirect fire modes.
Increases ramming damage to enemy vehicles by 15% and decreases ramming damage to your vehicle by 15%.
This perk is effective only while your vehicle is in motion. This perk is ineffective when two allied vehicles collide.
Reduces speed loss by 10% when driving on soft terrain and by 2.5% when driving on moderately soft terrain.
This perk is cumulative with the effects of the Additional Grousers equipment item.
Improves accuracy by 4% when firing on the move. Does not affect the accuracy of a stationary vehicle or the accuracy during hull traverse.
This perk is cumulative with the effects of the Vertical Stabilizer and Improved Rotation Mechanism equipment items and their analogs, as well as the Gearbox Intricacy and Stabilizer Greasing directives.
Reduces the chance of engine fire by 25%.
This perk is cumulative with the effects of the Modified Configuration equipment item and the Automatic Fire Extinguisher consumable.
Increases vehicle traverse speed by 5%.
This perk is cumulative with the effects of the Turbocharger, Additional Grousers, Improved Rotation Mechanism, and Bounty Rotation Mechanism equipment items; the Combat Course directive; the Lend-Lease Oil, Quality Oil, Removed Speed Governor, 100-octane Gasoline, and 105-octane Gasoline consumables; and Field Modification.
Increases the time before the enemy vehicle is no longer visible inside the Gunner's viewing area by 2 s. This perk is effective in both direct and indirect fire modes.
If two Gunners have this perk, only the higher value is applied. This perk is cumulative with the effects of the Improved Radio Set equipment item and the Focus on Target directive.
Improves the accuracy of a damaged gun by 20%.
If two Gunners have this perk, only the higher value is applied. This perk is cumulative with the effects of the Vertical Stabilizer, Improved Rotation Mechanism, Bounty Stabilizer, Bounty Rotation Mechanism, and Stabilizing Equipment System equipment items, as well as the Stabilizer Greasing directive.
Increases the chance of causing damage to enemy vehicle modules and crew by 3%.
This perk is effective only with AP, APCR, and HEAT shells. If two Gunners have this perk, only the higher value is applied.
Improves accuracy during turret traverse by 7.5%.
If two Gunners have this perk, only the higher value is applied. This perk is cumulative with the effects of the Vertical Stabilizer, Improved Rotation Mechanism, Bounty Stabilizer, Bounty Rotation Mechanism, and Stabilizing Equipment System equipment items, as well as the Stabilizer Greasing and Steady Hand directives.
Allows for quicker switching between shell types in a loaded gun by 60%. To activate this perk, a gun, double-barreled gun, or magazine must be fully loaded. If two loaders have this perk, the average perk level is taken into account. The minimum time to change a shell type is 1 s for cyclic (standard) guns and 2.5 s for double-barreled guns and magazines.
Accelerates gun loading by 9% if the vehicle has less than 10% of its hit points remaining.
If two Loaders have this perk, only the higher value is applied. This perk is cumulative with the effects of the Gun Rammer and Innovative Loading System equipment items, as well as the Orderly Ammo Rack directive.
Increases ammo rack durability by 12.5%.
If two Loaders have this perk, only the higher value is applied. This perk is cumulative with the effects of Modified Configuration as well as the Shell Organizer directive.
Extends view range by 3%.
If two Radio Operators have this perk, only the higher value is applied. This perk is cumulative with the effects of the Recon perk; the Coated Optics, Experimental Optics, Binocular Telescope, and Bounty Optics equipment items; as well as the Optical Calibration directive.
Allows a Radio Operator who survived the destruction of their vehicle to report enemy positions for another 2 s.
If two Radio Operators have this perk, only the higher value is applied. This perk is cumulative with the effect of the Duty Comes First directive.
Extends the signal range by 20%.
If two Radio Operators have this perk, only the higher value is applied.
Increases the signal range of allied vehicles within range of your radio by 10%. Does not affect the signal range of your vehicle.
If two Radio Operators have this perk, only the higher value is applied.
The efficiency values are given for perks trained to 100% in a crew with 100% Crew Efficiency levels.
After training an additional perk to 100%, tankers can start training the next one. To train the next perk, the tanker will need twice as much experience as for the previous one.
Perk Training
Perk training starts at 0% and increases by gaining Combat XP.
A zero perk is a special type of perk that is available to a crew member by default. It is fully trained, does not require any experience, and cannot be changed by the player. Crew members with zero perks can be acquired as a reward or during events such as Holiday Ops. Zero perks significantly reduce the amount of experience needed for further crew training.
Perk training can be increased at any time. Here are several ways to do this:
- Train for Free XP. After each battle, 5% of Combat XP is converted into Free XP. You can also gain Free XP by converting Combat XP from Elite vehicles for gold.
- Use the Accelerate Crew Training option on Elite vehicles.
- Study Crew Books.
- Activate Personal Reserves.
- Earn more Combat and Crew XP when playing with WoT Premium Account or in Premium vehicles.
Here's how to accelerate perk training for Free XP:
- Select the vehicle in the Garage as well as the tanker whose qualification level you want to increase.
- Select Profile in the menu, and
- then click Increase.
- Choose Free Experience in the Quick Training window and finalize the training process.
You can also reset a crew member's existing perks at any time by clicking the Reset button and choosing one of the following four options:
- Rapid Courses: Free of charge, but the total perk experience is reduced by 20%.
- Regimental School: Costs20,000, but the total perk experience is reduced by 10%.
- Tank Academy: Costs200and does not change the total perk experience.
- Retraining: Requires a Retraining Order but leaves the major qualification level unchanged.
Crew Books
Crew Books allow you to speed up training of one or all crew members by adding a certain amount of Crew XP.
Crew Books differ by type and value. The higher the value, the more XP a crew member will receive when the Crew Book is studied. There are seven types of Crew Books that differ in their acquisition method and conditions of use.
- Training Booklet
- Training Guide
- Training Manual
- Universal Booklet
- Universal Guide
- Universal Manual
- Personal Training Manual
Applied to the whole crew. When studied, it provides each crew member with 20,000 XP.
Acquisition method: As a reward during in-game events or as a special reward received for completed Daily Missions.
Conditions of use:
- Applied to the crew in vehicles of the corresponding nation.
- The major qualification level of all crew members must be at least 100% (excluding bonuses from equipment and consumables).
- The specialization of all сrew members must correspond to the vehicle.
- The vehicle must have a complete сrew.
Applied to the whole crew. When studied, it provides each crew member with 100,000 XP.
Acquisition method: As a reward during in-game events.
Conditions of use:
- Applied to the crew in vehicles of the corresponding nation.
- The major qualification level of all crew members must be at least 100% (excluding bonuses from equipment and consumables).
- The specialization of all сrew members must correspond to the vehicle.
- The vehicle must have a complete сrew.
Applied to the whole crew. When studied, it provides each crew member with 250,000 XP.
Acquisition method: Can be purchased for2,000,000.
Conditions of use:
- Applied to the crew in vehicles of the corresponding nation.
- The major qualification level of all crew members must be at least 100% (excluding bonuses from equipment and consumables).
- The specialization of all сrew members must correspond to the vehicle.
- The vehicle must have a complete сrew.
Applied to the whole crew. When studied, it provides each crew member with 20,000 XP.
Acquisition method: Can be obtained from rewards received for completed Daily Missions.
Conditions of use:
- The major qualification level of all crew members must be at least 100% (excluding bonuses from equipment and consumables).
- The specialization of all сrew members must correspond to the vehicle.
- The vehicle must have a complete сrew.
Applied to the whole crew. When studied, it provides each crew member with 100,000 XP.
Acquisition method: Can be obtained from rewards received for completed Daily Missions.
Conditions of use:
- The major qualification level of all crew members must be at least 100% (excluding bonuses from equipment and consumables).
- The specialization of all сrew members must correspond to the vehicle.
- The vehicle must have a complete сrew.
Applied to the whole crew. When studied, it provides each crew member with 250,000 XP.
Acquisition method: Can be obtained from rewards received for completed Daily Missions.
Conditions of use:
- The major qualification level of all crew members must be at least 100% (excluding bonuses from equipment and consumables).
- The specialization of all сrew members must correspond to the vehicle.
- The vehicle must have a complete сrew.
Applied to a selected crew member. When studied, it provides this crew member with 850,000 XP.
Acquisition method: As a reward during in-game events or as a special reward received for completed Daily Missions.
Conditions of use:
- Applied to the selected crew member in vehicles of any nation.
- The major qualification level does not matter.
Purchasing and Using Training Manuals
To purchase Training Manuals, do the following:
- In the Garage, select the vehicle of the nation for which you want to purchase Training Manuals.
- Right-click the image of a crew member you would like to train, and then
- click Quick Training.
- In the new window, select the Training Manual, and then click Purchase.
- In the confirmation window, set the number of Training Manuals and click Purchase. A Training Manual costs 2,000,000. When studied, it provides each crew member with 250,000 XP.
In the same menu, you can train specific crew members for Free XP. This is where all types of Crew Books are stored, ready for immediate use. Select the crew members you want to train and use the available consumables.
Please note that received and purchased Crew Books will be stored in a special section of your Depot.
Here's how to view your Crew Books:
- Go to the Depot tab under the Battle! button in your Garage.
- Click (Stock) on the left-hand side of the screen.
- Go to the Crew Books tab. Available Crew Books are displayed here. Use filters to search for the Crew Books you need.