Community Contributors Hub

Welcome to the HUB of World of Tank’s English-speaking Community Contributors.

Below you can find info for all of our CCs, from the pub-gamers to the pros and everyone in between. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll wonder just how many hats Stewie actually has.

Get to know our CC family below!


"Having a bit of fun with World of Tanks. I am certainly not the best player in the world but I try to have a laugh whenever I can, as well as review epic battles from other players.... enjoy and stay well.

Community Contributor for World of Tanks Asia and TanksTV!"



"#GetOnBoard Studios - where magic happens!"



"Mystblade Productions: The Silver Fox. Provider of a tank-tacular time with a focus on improving every game. Live Streams, Replay analysis, montages and more. Make yourself known and join the growing community."



"The most objectionable individual on the server! Member of the South Sydney Skorpions in the ANZ Premier League and Veteran Clan Wars player."



"I'm DatBoyGuru, I make YouTube videos on World of Tanks, news and updates, TRY HARD gameplay, reaction videos and tank reviews."


"The social CC focusing on viewer platoons and public content."


"G'day I'm Ziggy from Ziggy Does Tanks the home of WoT mediocrity since 2014, my channel is all about fun in tanks. No stats focus here I guarantee it."


"Hey Tankers, welcome to World of Tanks with pr154! Video hasn't killed the blog yet, and I'll be using my Facebook Page to publish articles on current in-game events, how the average tanker can make the most of them and a shotgun spray of dank tank memes!"


"Hey there, I am an Aussie gamer who loves to play some tanks. I typically just chill whilst playing but I really enjoy playing competitively whenever possible!"


"Hi tankers, I'm Wasaabi, long time moderator but more recently a content creator. My commentary is based on explaining player decisions and moves to help less experienced players understand how they could improve their own game."


"Hey, I'm CJ, I mainly stream more competitive styles of gameplay like Clan Wars, Advances and Tournaments, while also playing chill Random Battles."
