The following vehicle has been added for testing for Supertest players: Type 5 Ka-Ri.
Known Issues
In some cases, the sequence of events in the damage log is distorted.
In some cases, falling trees fall through the terrain.
Upon the successful completion of the Alliance-14 mission during the Chimera operation, the failed mission icon is displayed after the battle.
The Battle Results screen is missing an entry about the completion of the last mission in a series.
There is no voice notification when an enemy vehicle is destroyed.
When switching to Sniper mode on high graphics settings and zooming in on foliage, the FPS (frames per second) rate may decrease.
The ammo rack detonation icon is repeatedly displayed above vehicles destroyed beyond the draw circle when these vehicles enter the player's draw circle radius.
When mounting the Experimental Optics equipment, the view range value is rounded down.
When watching replays, vehicles do not make engine or track sounds.
When the commander is injured and a Large First Aid Kit is used, the time needed to change a loaded shell decreases for a loader with the Intuition perk trained.
Fixed Issues and Improvements
Balance changes have been made to the parameters of the Experimental Equipment.
The Tank Academy screens have been improved.
The description of the Valley of Pattons medal has been supplemented, taking into account the M47 Iron Arnie and the M47 Patton Improved.
The incorrect display of decals on the 60TP Lewandowskiego has been fixed.
The incorrect display of the visual effects on the Ignis Purgatio style has been fixed.
The display of the visual effects for the working jet boosters on the BZ-176 has been improved.
The display of the visual effects for the destroyed tracks of moving vehicles has been improved.
The display of the Marks of Excellence has been fixed on the following vehicles: FV4201 Chieftain Proto, Centurion Action X, Caernarvon Action X, and UDES 14 Alt 5.
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